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Monday, February 13, 2012

[TRANS] 120212/13 Translation of Jjong's tweets

When he created his account
When he created his account

shared by: nuha^^jinki@ MYJinki

120213 Translation of Jjong’s tweet conversations with Nicole & Aengwoo which he has deleted from his account:-

Nicole : Oppappappa!! Welcome ohoho pork hock
Jonghyun 9:14 AM: What do you mean pork hock?
Nicole 9:44 AM: Just pork hock pork hock pork hock @-@
Jonghyun 9:45 AM: @realjonghyun90 acknowledges that he’s a noonting.
(note: Noonting means he just browses and creeps on things and replies and doesn’t write anything)
Aengwook to Nicole 9:59 AM: thank u for ‘supporting fire’..ㅠㅠSince I tweeted about it first, everyone said it’s a fake account so it was really tiring yesterday!kekeke
Nicole 10:02 AM: kekekekekekeke self mention puahahaha
Nicole to Aengwook 10:03 AM : kekeke Aigoo you had it hard kekeke You’re doing well, right?^^
Aengwook to Jonghyun & Nicole 10:04 AM: When you go somewhere, don’t say that you use Twitter, Jonghyun. You’re embarrassing.
Jonghyun to Aengwook 10:06 AM: Okay, let’s keep it a secret. Shh.
Jonghyun to Nicole 10:06 AM: Call~ Do people usually not easily believe you when you start tweeting?
Aenwook to Nicole 10:07 AM : Yes, I am!^^ You must be busy cause of the concert.. Fighting!!
Nicole to Jonghyun 10:09 AM: Bomb them with confirmation pictures kekekekeke
Jonghyun to Aengwook & Nicole 10:16 AM: Include me in this conversation cheeduk cheeduk
Nicole to Jonghyun & Aengwook 10:19 AM: 손잡고골빈옆에서로붙이고 땅콩버터젤리샌드위치처럼 같이와잉 Hold hands, -idkthis-, and come together like peanut butter and jelly sandwich
Jonghyun to Nicole & Aengwook 10:21 AM: Your vocabulary is outstanding… It’s a hard problem to understand…
Aengwook to Nicole’s wtf tweet: Translation!!! Isn’t there a translation!!!?????
Nicole’s tweet explanation to Jonghyun & Aengwook 10:29 AM: I meant come together like how well peanut butter & blueberry jam are in a sandwich kekekeke Like the egg white and yolk!

Translation credits: hanatwothree_

120213 Jonghyun’s tweet at 10:36 AM - 13 Feb 12via Twitter for iPhone 

이궁 다들 걱정 많이하네…일주일에 한개만 할게 이건 봐줘 ㅎㅅㅎ 갠찬치?!딜!
 Awh, everyone is worrying a lot… I’ll do it once a week, so just let me go this time ㅎㅅㅎ It’s okay, right?! Deal!
Translation credits: hanatwothree_

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